What We Do
Annual Colloquium
Mentorship programme
The Sinako We Can Movement Non-Profit Company (SWCM NPC) was established in 2016 by Sinako Lindazwe, a pioneering advocate at the Johannesburg Bar and former law researcher at the Constitutional Court of South Africa. SWCM was founded on the belief that the law should be accessible to all, particularly to young aspirant legal professionals from marginalized communities.
The organization is dedicated to demystifying the legal profession, providing platforms that cater to the unique needs of these young professionals. Through various programmes, such as the yearly 6-month mentorship programme, Constitutional Court Tours, and engagement platforms like the Annual Colloquium, SWCM NPC actively supports the career development of aspiring lawyers.
The Annual Colloquium is a flagship event that brings together young professionals in the legal field, as well as those who hope to join the profession in the near future. This event offers a unique opportunity to engage with leaders, decision-makers, and visionaries who are at the forefront of shaping the future.
SWCM NPC is committed to being a catalyst for positive change in the legal fraternity, empowering the next generation of legal minds to overcome barriers and achieve their full potential.